My experience this past week at Central Missouri Whitetails was one I’ll never forget.
The housing is phenomenal, the food is second to none, the atmosphere around camp is amazing and oh yeah the hunting summed up in one word "awesome"! Every stand I sat in was placed very well and comfortable enough to sit from dark to dark. I personally liked the fact that every guide was very knowledgeable about the deer on the farms and the stand placements. Also sitting around camp after dinner and listening to the guides tell stories and see them come up with plans on where to sit and witch stands would be good for the wind made me sleep easier knowing I'm not just going to a stand to hope something will walk by the next day. I saw first hand the strategic planning for the weather as it threw us a curveball the first few days. On the drive down I was pretty nervous about how big of deer do I need to shoot and once talking with the guides they reassured me to shoot whatever I was happy with. I saw multiple bucks bigger than the one I shot as well as plenty of does and other wild game while on the stand. I would recommend this experience to everyone, beginner hunters as well as experienced hunters. I am anxiously waiting to visit again next fall.
Shannon, Wisconsin